“We are incredibly multi-dimensional beings and my deepest interest in life is to continuously explore the edges to expand all the ways to love and embody the power we have as human beings, without leaving anything behind.” – Cáli Ornelas

“I first met with Cáli when I was in a place of great confusion. Her clarity, humanity and intuition helped me quickly understand the state I was in, and how to get out of it.
Attending Cáli’s retreats and taking personal sessions has helped me learn how to connect to my own inner guidance. I’ve come to respect my life force and live differently. It’s been an empowering process, for which I am very grateful. I am now a mindfulness meditation teacher delivering my own retreats.”

Siàn Griffith – Mindfulness Meditation Teacher and University Lecturer

Cáli is the founder of the Yossum Process of Self Understanding and has been leading retreats for over 25 years.
Since the age of 15 she has been practicing, studying and dedicating herself to discovering and exploring what it takes to feel truly alive and content.
She is a deeply committed teacher and therapist and is honoured to support each person on their life’s journey.

Cáli’s life has been an inspiring global journey that began in Brazil. Following her inner and outer curiosities across eight different countries, Cáli immigrated to Australia, met her first Buddhist teacher in Indonesia, studied meditation and psychology in India, lived in the UK and Spain. She trained in trauma healing and attachment theory in Germany, completed an Enneagram master certificate and qualified in Internal family systems (IFS) therapy the USA. She worked and lived in the Netherlands and was a Co-founder of Mandali retreat Center in Italy. She now resides in Tuscany, Italy.
Having been exposed to so many diverse cultures and trainings led her to formulate a unique approach to compassionate self development.


“My work with Cáli has been life changing. She’s taught me how to believe in myself and recognise my true potential. Cáli is a true friend and spiritual guide. She has been patient and lovingly supports my growth.”

Lori Sjollema
Owner of Radiant Yoga Studio

Read more about Cáli’s experiences and life journey through her own words 🖋

I was born in Brazil in 1963, raised by a single working mother, my father was not able to be a part of my upbringing. My childhood circumstances led me to start looking deeper to understand the sense of not belonging I carried with me.
I have been practising yoga, studying and engaging with therapeutic processes since high school.
After graduation I went on to study sociology, anthropology and psychology at the Goias Federal University in Brazil. Hoping to better understand human nature, I discovered that these subjects could not provide the answers I sought. Disillusioned with the academic approach to understanding what brings out a true sense of well being, I switched paths to build a prominent fashion company in São Paulo.
Once I established a successful corporate career, I realized that success, money and material luxuries did not fill the gap that continued to stay present within me.


Feeling a renewed interest in spiritual and human development, I immigrated to Australia and embraced meditation as a natural complement to my existing practices of therapy and yoga.

In 1989, I moved to India and became a disciple of Osho, an awakened mystic. For many years I dedicated myself to learn and then assist in trainings in various types of psychological, spiritual and therapeutic approaches such as the Hoffman Process, Tantra Sexual Deconditioning, Primal Healing and numerous meditation retreats at Osho’s International Center in Pune, India.

“Cáli’s profound clarity and wisdom provided a pure and safe space for me to connect with myself, release my fears, and find balance and inner strength. I am grateful for her immense love.”

Bree Sherman – UK

Next, my continuing inner exploration took me to the Himalayas where I spent seven years experiencing and practicing long periods of silence in retreats under the guidance of my teacher Swami Prem Samdarshi.
Soon after I was fortunate to meet the Advaita sage, Ramesh Balsekar, and became his student for over four years. For me, Ramesh and the Advaita philosophy were “the cherry on the cake” of my spiritual exploration.

After spending fourteen years in India, I moved to London, UK in order to learn a more “westernized language” to help me refine and share my therapeutic skills. I spent the next 12 years training in the most up to date and evidence proved psychological modalities, both in the USA and Germany.

  • Internal Family Systems Model (IFS), with Richard Schwartz, Ph.D. and various senior trainers.
  • Trauma Healing through the School of Somatic Experiencing, founded by Peter A. Levine.
  • Essential Qualities, under the Diamond Logos Academy Founder, Faisal Muquaddam.
  • Healing Early Attachment Wounds with Dr. Diane Poole Heller.
  • The Wisdom of Enneagram, Enneagram Institute with Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson.

My experience at university, studying with legendary spiritual teachers, and dedication to an ongoing meditation and yoga practice, has given me a unique approach to self-development. My self-work combined with therapeutic trainings and the natural flow of life itself, eventually led me to develop my Self-Understanding sessions and to create programs for residential retreats.

I was privileged to learn valuable life lessons and so much more about myself as I contributed to create and was a co-founder of the Mandali retreat center in Italy. After 7 years of collaboration with my partners to arrive at its completion, I was led to move on to the next step of my own soul life wishes.

I now specialise in assisting people in online private sessions. Occasionally I offer residential retreats for selected participants.

In my free time, I enjoy nature walks, dancing, spending time with close friends, travelling, learning from plant medicines and living spontaneously.
I now live in Tuscany, Italy with my beloved partner, whom I owe the gift of learning how to receive more human love than I thought was ever possible!

“I had a fire in my heart urging me to discover how to live a life that felt more peaceful and purposeful. It was the driving force of the inner and outer adventures I embarked on. I am so grateful that this fiery urge has transformed into a form of joyful curiosity and stimulus to share what I discovered.” – Cáli Ornelas


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