After over 25 years of teaching residential retreats, I am now semi-retired.
I still offer private online sessions for a limited number of clients.
At the moment I am fully booked until September 2024.

If you are interested in joining the waiting list for private sessions and possible future retreats,
please write me a note here.

Working on a one-on-one basis creates an ongoing foundation to track, understand and bring resolution to all that is holding you back, once and for all.

I will assist you with practical ways to make your direct connection with universal support. To have our own connection with our original source is a supportive resource to make changes in our reality.

Exploring the mystery of what happens inside of us and how we react to the outside world leads us to understand that we are neither victims of our circumstance nor the all-powerful directors of our lives.


Private sessions with Cáli are geared to:

  • Guide you with powerful and effective methods  to heal emotional wounds.
  • Teach you how to maintain a direct connection with your inner world, no matter what happens in life.
  • Demystify the confusing psychological labels you may have been given and to better understand your behaviour.
  • Examine your previous conditioning in order to heal traumas and update any beliefs that are preventing you from living an uncompromising life.

“Cáli’s guidance has opened up my life. The space she holds for me when we are in sessions is golden! Words can’t describe how enriched my life is today.

Cáli has helped me see the beauty in the most simple things. She has helped me to hear the silence in our universe but most of all she has helped me to feel and touch the depth of my soul – beautiful, quiet, gentle, strong, and full of love!”

Anne Marie Troiani
Executive Director
Child Care Agency

Why I do what I do?

I believe we are all born with a powerful potential to live a unique life.

For this potential to become a reality we need to examine our lives. This is a process which requires support and focused attention.

Over the past 25 years I have offered ongoing sessions to people from all over the world and mentored therapists and teachers. I am constantly amazed by the incredible shifts that happen when true personal intimacy is established.

Every day I see people transforming from a state of pain, confusion, and hopeless paralysation to a place of creativity and true enjoyment for life and their place in this world. So naturally, I love what I do because the results are clear and lifelong.

“I am endlessly grateful for the powerful tools I’ve been generously given. I’ve learned to fall in love – with myself – and this is the most wonderful gift I’ve ever received.”

Helen Savage

In private sessions we engage together in order to restore:


Embracing a broader view of the effects of your history on your body and psyche, we will look back on parts that have been traumatised, paralysed and convicted to a narrow belief system. By using modern neuro re-programming including the universal dimension of support, the healing of body and the psyche can finally occur.


Once healing of past experiences is cleared through your body and and psyche, a new sense of meaning and purpose in life begins to emerge. Eventually, each day will begin as a fresh start to play and engage with life in the most courageous way.


A practical and compassionate way to stay grounded and build healthy boundaries in the face of stress, overwhelming emotions, and personal or global feelings of despair.


Discover and develop a healthy relationship to guidance. We may experience this as spiritual connectivity, our inner wisdom, or in friendships. You will learn to reliably and safely embrace these different types of guidance.


Restore our fundamental interconnectedness to our community, family, inner rhythms and outer world. Experiencing constant connectivity is the most relaxing and peaceful state of being. Most of all, these sessions are designed to nurture and support you to regain the most natural access to your own essential qualities.

Your best Self.

Please get in touch to schedule an introductory session.

“I’m profoundly grateful to have found Cáli on my path. Her authenticity, warmheartedness, and commitment as a teacher has allowed me to open up, trust, and feel safe in a way I’ve never felt before.

Cáli embodies and demonstrates qualities I only knew from words. She is a great teacher and a wonderful person”
